Going Home
I thought I should post an update for you all. I'm still at my parents' hobbling around on my broken foot and recovering from my massive blood clot episode. But I go in for a followup tomorrow on my foot and maybe I'll be able to start walking on it with one of those ugly boot things. I plan to return home this coming weekend once all the Turkey Day festivities have died down. I can't wait. I miss my bed, my TV, my food, my bathroom, my privacy... everything. With that will come a return to devoting time to my business so that will be less time for sims. I've been having a blast over this time period with the game though.
Some odd things I've noticed that scream "PATCH ME" are pets sending wedding gifts. That's just creepy. And my sims happily write them thank you notes back. What? You can't just walk over and pet the dog to say "thanks"? Do animals shop online? Maybe that's why horses run amok all over town. They're doing wedding shopping. Ah, makes perfect sense now.
Does the imaginary friend thing creep anyone else out? I'm sorry. It's got "Chuckie" written all over it. It's a bit odd when they're a teen size sack of crap standing there whining about playing this that and the other thing. And they have bad traits. Like kleptomaniac. Wonderful. Just what I need. Imaginary thieves. The burglar comes to my lots nightly the way it is. I guess they think it's Walmart or something. The guy gets beat up thoroughly every night by the cop, the butler, or the brave homeowner. Not to mention the dog chasing him around and the horse coming out stamping his feet too. Sheesh. Get a clue buddy. You're NOT going to get away with it.
Does anything bad happen if you just delete the stupid dolls? I have a household with six kids and 4 of them have annoying imaginary friends that have the wonderful talent for cancelling EVERYTHING in their queue repeatedly so they can have pillow fights. STOP IT! I want them dead. All of them. I'd hate to scar the kids by deleting their buddies but they're annoying. I hate them. Who's stupid idea was that anyway? We all need more disturbed children in our lives. Really. My sims take great pride in knowing all their kids are insane and talk to themselves and pantomime different activities. It's even better when the kids skip school because the stupid "friend" cancelled their queue.
Does every kid get one of those dumb dolls? One of my households has six kids and two never got one. My other household has two kids and one didn't get one. I really don't want any of my kids getting them. It's stupid. Get a real friend, not some make believe pile of crap from a Disney nightmare. And I love their names. Boinky, Buddy, Pal, Wiggles, Hesper, Patches, Peaches and Lord knows what else has come in my mailbox. And every one has looked different. Amazing. So much time and effort put into such an annoying addition to the game. Someone at EA needs to be shot. It's as much fun as the pranking in Sims 2 that ruined every relationship I ever built. I'm not a big hack user but I did have to get the one that removed that so my sims could live normal, happy lives instead of having flaming thought balloons of every sim they encountered. How many people carry around an endless supply of water balloons anyway? Who even carries ONE around? If you stick it in your pocket and it breaks you look like you peed your pants. Not cool.
Um, anyway, things are moving along for me as far as recovery is concerned. I'm spending my obscene amount of freetime playing Sims and Rift. The violent side of me needs to be nurtured too.